Friday 20 February 2015

Loved and Lost on the Big Screen.

On the back of the release of ’50 Shades of Grey’ I have decided to do a little ‘Just for Fun’ post on what actors I would cast should (When lol I wish) ‘Loved and Lost’ becomes a block buster movie.  

One of the biggest issues faced by the film maker was casting a ‘Christian Grey’ that would appease the masses of women that read the book and imagined their very own Mr. Grey… oh how to ruin a good fantasy. 

So this got me thinking about the way the author see their characters differs from the way the world imagines the characters should look.  

I asked a couple of my readers to offer their input. 

So first up Louise Adams chose the following.

Emma Watson  a very good choice for Abby. I could maybe go with her over my first choice. 

For Conrad she went for the very delicious Jake Quickendon (i can see that) 
 Taylor - Jennifer Lawrence (Almost my first choice for Abby)

Carmel  - Chloe Grace Moretz 

And all importantly Al, oh yes, i can really see that Jamie Dornan makes an amazing Al.

Next Up is Serena Louise. Serena is currently beta reading 'Twisted Love' for me so I was really excited about her input.

For Abby she chose Ellen Page (Cute option)

 Conrad - Steve Talley yes he'd certainly be a hit with the ladies 
 Taylor - Abigail Breslin 
 Carmel - Phoebe Tonkin certainly has a surfer girl hidden away
 Oh and a little cutie for Al - Logan Lerman 

So then I thought its Okay asking the ladies what hot guys they would cast for my Blockbuster Movie but what about the guys, who would they like to see playing Abby and Taylor?

I asked Warrick Mayes for his input. His response was a little surprising... lol 

Abby - Sarah Michelle Gellar although he did suggest that I play this role hummm  

Conrad - Zachary Quinto - oh a very good choice I think. 

Not sure about this one for Taylor Rosanna Arquette although she could be a good Carole (Abbys mum) 

Oh nothing for Carmel but for Al a younger Blonde Johnny Depp?!?!!?! (cant believe that i actually found a blonde Johnny Depp photo) 

Lastly the way that I as the creator of the characters in 'Loved and Lost' would make the selection at the Hollywood casting day.

I decided on the blonde blue eyed beauty Amanda Seyfried, with curly hair she in my mind makes the perfect Abby. 

Check her out in 'Red Riding Hood' I think you'd agree with me.

Oh and long before I watched Vampire diary's, whilst I was creating Conrad I saw a picture of Ian Somerhalder and wrote Conrad with him in mind, so with brown contact lenses he would have to be my man for the role.  
 Taylor would be Keira Knightley feisty and beautiful  
Needed a surfer gal for Carmel and I saw this photo of Margot Robbie, she's perfect. 

And then the most important part of my cast, the one that holds Abbys heart so tightly would be the utterly gorgeous Liam Hemsworth. Although for me Jamie Dornan was a very close runner. in fact I selected him then changed my mind.   


  1. Some lovely and nicely differing suggestions.
    I especially like Louise's, though all are wonderful.
